Call Centers
DEX can provide your organization with a full service solution as a call center, virtual office, and live answering service for businesses across all of our industry segments. Call centers enhance the perception of your company by providing a live operator to speak with clients and customers after hours. Seamlessly handle all of your live messaging needs with professionalism and courteous expertise.

DEX Call Centers allow your business to utilize DEX facilities and personnel for customer resource management (CRM). Our team can act as your agents, assisting you in caring for your customers needs. Support from our IT division and expert technicians means your call center CRM is always available for when your customers need to reach out to your business. With a high emphasis on security at every facility and in every system, DEX also protects your CRM data by way of redundant, failsafe protocols that shelter you from service interruptions and maximize up-time. Choosing DEX to manage your call center CRM doesn't not mean sacrificing your unique business design. Rather than asking our clients adhere to a DEX model, we customize solutions that fits their business ideal.