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Samsung Capacitor part #CL05C471JB5NNNC | Capacitor | DEX

Samsung Capacitor part #CL05C471JB5NNNC | Capacitor | DEX

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Samsung Capacitor CL05C471JB5NNNC is the ratio of the change in an electric charge according to voltage change. Due to the fact that the capacitance may be subject to change with the measured voltage and frequency.

Product Characteristic data

An ideal MLCC’s energy loss is zero, but real MLCC has dielectric loss and resistance loss of electrode. DF (Dissipation Factor) is defined as the ratio of loss energy to stored energy and typically is calculated as a percentage.

Insulation Resistance

Ceramic dielectric has a low leakage current with DC voltage due to the high insulating properties. Insulation resistance is defined as the ratio of a leakage current to DC voltage.

Capacitance Aging

The aging characteristic is that the high dielectric (Class II) MLCC decreases capacitance value over time.

Temperature Characteristics of Capacitance (TCC)

Please consider temperature characteristics of capacitance since the electrical characteristics such as capacitance changes which are caused by a change in ceramic dielectric constant by temperature.

Self-heating Temperature

It is necessary to design the system, considering self-heating generated by the ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) of MLCC when AC voltage or pulse voltage is applied to MLCC.

DC & AC Voltage Characteristics

It is required to consider voltage characteristics in the circuit since the capacitance value of high dielectric constant MLCC(Class II) is changed by applied DC & AC voltage.

Impedance Characteristic

Electrical impedance (Z) of MLCC is the measurement of the opposition that MLCC presents to a current (I) when a voltage (V) is applied. It is defined as the ratio of the voltage to the current (Z=V/I). Impedance extends the concept of resistance to AC circuits and is a complex number consisting of the real part of resistance (R) and the imaginary part of reactance (X) as Z=R+jX.




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